DanceAction Summer Repertory Workshop Online
NEW DATES: June 29 to July 2, 2020,
at 6 pm (NY Eastern Time)
Teaching DanceAction Company members:
Carmen Caceres, Aviya Hernstadt,
Thomas Gunderson Bond, and Paige Louise Stella
The workshop is Donation-Based
Suggested Donation
$15 per session
To make a Tax-deductible** Donation to
DanceAction Click HERE
**Tax Deductible donations are processed by New York Live Arts, INC. A 6% processing fee is deducted from the donation
Zoom Meeting Room:*
Meeting ID: 540 870 1612
*All participants must register to be admitted into each workshop session. Register through Eventbrite here or via email at carmencaceresdance@gmail.com
All funds raised during the DanceAction Summer Repertory Workshop will be donated to the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
About the Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund is committed to challenging the racism, inequality, and injustice of a criminal legal system and immigration and deportation regime that disproportionately target and harm low-income communities of color.
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund secures the freedom of New Yorkers who would otherwise be detained pretrial due to their poverty alone. We are committed to challenging the criminalization of race, poverty and immigration status, the practice of putting a price on fundamental rights, and the persistent myth that bail is a necessary element of the justice system.
The Workshop
Dance Training & DanceAction's Repertory
This summer workshop for dancers or movers of any kind will explore different choreographic phrases from DanceAction's rich repertory.
Each session will start with a brief warm-up and dance training segment. This will be focused on developing physical skills, such as strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, and movement mechanics.
The repertory segment of the class will be a movement laboratory for participants to discover DanceAction's choreography, led by multiple collaborators and company dancers. In addition to discovering DA's eclectic repertory, this practice will allow participants to access a unique combination of movement languages and styles that will broaden their physical ability as well as their versatility as movement artists.
Workshop Schedule
Monday to Thursday
6 pm
Monday, June 29: "Action Phrase" from To make a Blindfold (BMH) by Carmen Caceres
Tuesday, June 30: "Fever" from Game Night by Paige Louise Stella
Wednesday, July 1: "Box Phrase" from BLINDSPOT by Thomas Gunderson Bond
Thursday, July 2: "Workout Phrase" from BLINDSPOT by Aviya Hernstadt
Teaching Artists
Carmen Caceres
Aviya Hernstadt
Paige Louise Stella
Thomas Gunderson Bond

The Platform
Online Zoom
Meeting Room
Meeting ID:
540 870 1612
Regular Meeting Room: All the workshops are going to be held at the same Zoom meeting room every day. The meeting room will be available to access a few minutes before the starting time of the session. Upon accessing the session, please wait to be admitted into the room.
Join from Computer: Make sure that you join the meeting from a computer or a device with a large screen so you can see the teachers well.
Screen Views & Microphone: For most of the lesson you will need to pin the Teaching Artist video & mute yourself, this way you will see the Teaching Artist full view. To pin the video click on the three white dots in the upper right corner the video you want to pin and select "Pin Video." To mute yourself, click on the arrow down next to the microphone on the lower-left corner and select "mute."
Raise your hand: If you need to make a comment or ask a question you can raise your hand, wave, or write a message in the chat room. We will include time for questions from participants.
Space to move: Make sure you are in a room where you have space to move comfortably and place the camera so you can be on the shot most of the time.
Clothes & Objects: Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in and no shoes (you may wear socks). Remove any objects in the room that may be an obstacle for you to move well.